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Explore Medical School Library

Explore Medical School Library

The session is open to all new and current users whishing to meet their dedicated library liaison and receive a primer on the Medical library’s numerous resources and services. We will establish partnership to support you throughout educational and research journey.

  • Meet a medical libarian to learn her role in supporting your success;
  • Explore online and on-site services for your continuous experience;
  • Familiarize with a miriade of tools, resources and learning platforms for evidence-based research and dynamic learning;
  • Access full text articles and books;
  • Lean about consultancy and instruction service to effectively manage your literature search, scholarly publishing, and guidance in research practice.
  • And more!

Venue: Medical School Library, room 701/5.

Related LibGuide: Library Orientation by Reference Librarians

Tuesday, February 13, 2024
11:30pm - 12:00pm
School of Medicine Library
Open Library Sessions   SoM  
Registration has closed.
No Geolocation available for event.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Aigerim Akparova
Aigerim Akparova

Subject Librarian for NUSOM

SOM Library, 5/1, Kerey-Zhanibek Khandar

7th floor, office 701

+7(717) 270 58 13