Event box

13th Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference (EALC 2024)

13th Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference (EALC 2024)

The Nazarbayev University Library, in collaboration with IFLA Management of Library Associations and with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Association of Higher Education Libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, cordially invites library and information professionals, researchers, and practitioners, as well as students currently pursuing or who have recently graduated from a Library and Information Science program to the 13th Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference. Representatives from medical, special and public libraries are also welcome to attend. 

This year's EALC main theme is Connect, Collaborate, Create: Advancing Library Associations and Partnerships to Future-proof our Profession.

The EALC 2024 is intended to become a platform for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and experience of academic librarians. The role of a modern academic library is constantly evolving and expanding. Technology advancements continue to influence academic libraries and the educational environment, and with this, there are new expectations and challenges for our profession and library service. AI is a major and exciting development, and we are again witnessing a significant change. The 2024 EAL Conference is a forum to share experiences and practical solutions, discuss professional topics and support each other. As librarians, we must remain flexible and receptive to new advancements to future-proof our profession and benefit our customers. It is essential that we collaborate, connect, and form partnerships to attain our collective goals.

The languages of the conference are English, Kazakh, and Russian.

For more information, please visit https://nu.kz.libguides.com/ealc2024/home


Thursday, May 30, 2024
8:30am - 6:00pm
Main Campus
No Geolocation available for event.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of April Manabat
April Manabat

  Email Me  

Subject Librarian for School of Sciences and Humanities (SSH)


Block 5e, Floor 3

Room. 5e322

+7 (7172) 69 26 69