Event box
Dissertations & Thesis Writing Workshop
The online workshop aims to provide expert guidance to graduate students at critical points of the research and writing phases of their dissertation or thesis. You will examine key strategies on each stage for writing, revising, and disseminating more effectively using ProQuest Theses & Dissertations Global*:
- Preparation: What research is going around in my field?
- Proposal: Selecting and refining a topic
- Research: Conducting an effective literature review
- Writing: Identifying and avoiding common pitfalls
Although we will not go through the entire process of wiritng (it's a long way to go!), you will be able to get the most from the practical training on the efficient use of available resouces.
*ProQuest Theses & Dissertations Global is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities. Within dissertations and theses is a wealth of scholarship, yet it is often overlooked because most go unpublished. Uncover new ideas and innovations with more confidence and efficiency.
- Date:
- Tuesday, November 5, 2024
- Time:
- 2:00pm - 3:00pm
- Online:
- Event URL: https://checkpoint.url-protection.com/v1/r02/url?o=https%3A//events.teams.microsoft.com/event/ba9ce409-d13e-450d-b3b5-c25696cd5319%40127fa96e-00b4-429e-95f9-72c2828437a4&g=MDA4NzFmODQ4N2E2NzYwNA==&h=MDQxOWZiODIzZjliN2E5MWRiODk2OGJjNWRkNTcwMTU2Yzc1NDM2NzM3NGNkOTM4YTZlNjQ1MGZhOTcyNThiOQ==&p=YzJlOm5hemFyYmF5ZXZ1bml2ZXJzaXR5OmM6ZzplNzI4ZWY2MzgzZmFiMWE0NDA0NmJkNWQ3YTZmZTMyNTo3Omg6VA==
- Categories:
- Publisher Session
Event Organizer
Manager, Electronic resources management services
Block 5, Floor 4,
Office 5E.422
+7 (7172) 69 49 84